3 Simple Holistic Health Tips That You Can Start Today
In the oversaturated world of wellness, oftentimes it can feel like information overload. If there are three tips I can offer you that really apply to everyone and are accessible and affordable, I would recommend the following.
Avoid Unnecessary Chemicals. Opt for non-toxic options as much as possible, because our bodies have never experienced the level of toxins we do today. I always encourage my clients to take baby steps with non-toxic living and switch out products as you run out. For example, choosing to use Branch Basics for cleaning supplies instead of toxic options that wreak havoc on your liver and endocrine system. After that, you can focus on switching personal care products one-by-one, for example opting for organic tampons like Lola.
Stimulate Your Lymphatic System. Your lymphatic system is responsible for clearing away toxins and waste. Unlike other body systems, the lymphatic system does not have its own pump causing stagnation and toxic build up. It is so important to stimulate the lymphatic system to keep things moving, clean, and healthy! There are many ways to do so, but a few of my favorite ways to stimulate the lymphatic system include: dry brushing, massage, inversion (like a daily headstand or laying on the floor and putting your legs up the wall), and alternating hot/cold showers!
Be Mindful of What You Consume. You become what you eat, drink, read, believe, etc. Not only does diet and lifestyle play a huge role in your vitality, but also we must not forget the importance of what we are consuming mentally. I encourage you to “detox” yourself from more than just chemicals and think about what you’re reading, listening to, and absorbing each day. I gave up watching the news a few years ago, have a strict rule about only following accounts on social media that lift me up (this also applies to removing myself from toxic friendships and relationships IRL), and I prefer to listen to music and podcasts that lift me up.
In addition to my 1:1 consultations, I have something new launching. This fall, I am hosting my Non-Toxic Living Made Easy Group Coaching Program, so be sure to stay informed by following along!