Mold Illness and Neurological Symptoms

Mold can wreak havoc on the body, causing a multitude of health symptoms. Mold is a root cause behind so many dis-eases and symptoms. It is all about peeling back the layers of the onion.

Neurological symptoms of some sort are extremely common. If you’re experiencing the following symptoms, it very well could be due to mold. But, let’s not jump the gun. What is most important is working with a Mold Literate Health Professional like myself to get a full health history and analysis which will help unravel ALL symptoms to find the root cause and move forward with an individualized protocol.

What are some mold-related neurological symptoms?

  1. Brain fog

  2. Fatigue

  3. Memory loss

  4. Dizziness

  5. Migraines

  6. Eye floaters

  7. Sensitivity to light

  8. Anxiety/depression

  9. OCD

  10. Tics & spasms

  11. Electrical sensations

So why how does MOLD do such a thing? Without getting too technical, mold produces a toxic off-gas called mycotoxins. These mycotoxins are VOCs (chemical known as volatile organic compounds) and increase your toxic burden. About 25% of people have trouble autonomically detoxing from these mycotoxins this is due to both genetics (carrying the HLA-DR gene) and lifestyle (having a full toxic bucket) so it’s important to do a targeted detox with a skilled professional to remove the toxins from the body.

Mold mycotoxins are fat soluble, so they concentrate in fat tissue. Our brains are 60% fat, so it is one of molds favorite places to be. Mold also has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier which can cause damage to its function and structure, this is also known as neurotoxicity.

Yes, this is scary but it doesn’t have to be. By learning this information and taking steps to better your health by detoxing from mold and lowering your overall toxic burden, there is HOPE. I made it through the trenches of mold illness and have been thriving since addressing it. Want to work together on mold?


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