Simple Tips To Reduce Your Toxic Burden

In a world where 10 million tons of toxic chemicals released into our environment by industries annually, I will keep advocating for reducing your toxic burden as much as possible. Living a non-toxic life (to the best of your ability) in this modern world is a necessity.

I’ll be the first one to admit that getting started on the non-toxic living journey can be overwhelming. That is why I’ve been on a mission to make non-toxic living easy and accessible for all. I want to meet you where you are at.

I’ve been on the non-toxic journey for several years and I am still refining and upgrading. But, most importantly, I have been careful to not take this lifestyle so far so that joy wasn’t removed from my life or that the stress of being perfect became toxic.

I want to keep things super simple for those of you new to non-toxic living and figured I would share the two main ways to reduce your toxic burden for longevity.

Two ways to reduce your toxic burden

  1. Limit your toxic exposures

    1. Choose non-toxic products (many conventional products contain harmful chemicals that can cause chronic health issues)

    2. Read labels (reading product labels, making informed choices, and avoiding potentially harmful ingredients for a healthier lifestyle)

    3. Shop locally (opt for local products to cut transportation miles and support businesses putting human health first)

    4. Eat ethically (choose ethically sourced and produced food for humane treatment of animals and a healthier impact on human well-being and ecosystems)

    5. Subsequently, stop supporting the companies leading to this havoc on humans and the environment

  1. Keep your detoxification pathways open.

    1. Support your liver (herbs like dandelion and burdock root are great, my favorite is the Dr. Schulze’s Detox Tea)

    2. Support your lungs (deep breathing and improving indoor air quality)

    3. Support your kidneys (hydration & exercise)

    4. Support your gut health / colon (poop twice a day and eat bitter foods)

    5. Support your skin (sweat regularly and use non-toxic skincare)

If you enjoy learning about living a healthy non-toxic lifestyle, check out Lifelong Podcast the leading non-toxic living and longevity podcast.


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